Sequel of the PostmodernCabinetOfGayCuriosities
A collaboration that due to logistics did not make it to the shooting, but nevertheless gave an amazing opportunity to create something new. I feel incredibly honoured I was reached to somehow be involved in such an amazing Project run by incredible professionals.
Stylist Georgia Pendlebury requested a pair of the Postmodern Cabinet Of Gay Curiosities leg piece slingback in size 40. Unfortunately as the Project was purely Academic it was not available in that size and this pair of black stilettos was customised as an alternative. Its purpose was to be an option to appear on Rossy De Palma´s feet for the recently released Carte Noire advertisement directed by Jalil Lespert.
With Special Thanks for materials sourcing to:
Georgina Goodman
Marina Turró
Angela Casanovas & all my family
Juan Poveda
Albert Embroidery
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